Tuesday 4 April 2017

Characters + Profiles

Each film has it's actors, and they're usually mentioned in the credits (along with the directors, camera crew and editors); but if - for whatever reason - we don't have credits, here they are:

Khaleem Hussain starring as Jayden Yusuf: the star of our story, a mid/late teenager, a footballer who          witnesses
Ella Robbertson starring as Murdered Girl no. 1
Ellie Hogan starring as Murdered Girl no. 2
Lucy Henderson starring as Murdered Girl no. 3
Davina starring as Mystery Girl no. 4 / Missing Girl
Alexander Bell starring as D. I. Walker:. I. Walker
Joel Coupie starring as the Killer

Mateusz Boruszewski - Editor
Alexander Bell - Director
Khaleem Hussain - Music Producer

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