Tuesday 8 November 2016

Target Audience Profile

If you're here once again then thanks, hopefully you've followed my blogs from the beginning - from humble, very sketchy beginnings, to the weekly service you've come to know and love. And if you're new, then tune in every week and see what you can learn about A-Level Media.

Target Audience Profile

Anyway folks, back to the matter at hand, if you saw my post last week about target audience then you'll know that film's also have an ideal audience profile - a perfect person that they see watching AND/OR buying their film

For my film, which has the working title "Forest Horror," there is also target audience profile:

NAME: James Lloyd
AGE: 17
OCCUPATION: Student / Part-Time  
ETHNICITY: White (western - UK/USA)
INTERESTS: Rugby, Football, Social Media

Anyway, it's been a long day, put check in again next week if you wanna see more about A Level Media.

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