Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Evaluation 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? PUBLISHER/SLIDESHARE

Image result for curse of chucky flashbackBut the contrast in the black and white scenes is effective as it is a convention used in other thriller films, such as the Curse of Chucky. This alternate lighting is bizarre and acts as hermeneutic code. The sudden change in colour suggests that something is wrong or is about to happen. It is often used to show the past, and it acts as hermeneutic code - the audience knows something has happened/is about to happen and are therefore engaged as they try to work out what's going on.

Our target audience can relate to the protagonist situation as - due to the fact that teenagers generally have negative interactions with the police. While there may be no violence (unlike the Dark Knight) and our main character is not the villain, it is clear that the police are treating the protagonist like a villain, and this not only gains sympathy for the main character but also, through Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, it gives a sense of connection (via the love and belonging section of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs). In that way, one can argue that we followed the stereotype of teenagers interactions with the police due to the fact that teenagers are stereotypically involved with the police because they've committed the crime, not been the victim.

Also the common convention of most films in general (particularly horror and thriller movies) the killer often remains anonymous. And although the protagonist knows the identity of the murderer / antagonist. This goes against the general convention of the protagonist having to work out who the murderer is. The theme of a mask is not only for realistic purposes, as it covers the antagonist's face; but it symbolises the hidden intentions of the antagonist - as the other characters don't know what's going to happen

One can draw parallels between the setting used in Silence of the Lambs and The Forest. The same woodland environment provides the same lack of lighting. This creates an eerie scene as not much can be seen. This acts as both hermeneutic and proairetic code. This is due to the fact that this part of the scene is both a transition between actions, and it, itself is connoting something is going to happen itself. This is due to the fact that we know only one person will escape and therefore seeing him hours earlier makes the audience think what happened?

The use of special effects (SFX) was a convention adopted from Se7en. Se7en uses SFX to transition between different parts / elements of the scene didn't use. We adopted the same uses of SFX as it is conventional.

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