Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Barthes' Codes

Ok sorry guys…
When it comes to consistency, I'm not the greatest, and I hold my hands up, but I'm back now, so let’s get back to business.


Thriller Films: Genres, Barthes' Codes and How They're Used For Effect

Anyway, during my time away I’ve learnt something about thriller movies, particularly the techniques they use.When it comes to thriller movies writers try and get the film to play on audiences’ emotions, their innermost thought and fears. They also utilise codes to keep the audience thinking about the plot, which simultaneously keeps them engaged in the film. These codes are: the Hermeneutic (HER), and the Proairetic (PRO) codes.

These two codes are part of Barthes' Codes:

HER - also known as the "Enigma Code" codes that lead to DO raise questions, they are mysteries within a text and although they give clues / hints of what's going on, these clues are often unanswered within the film (until much later) and they engage and frustrate the audience, who want to know more and try to piece together such clues
   ·   PRO -  also known as the "action code" codes, they're the main components of the film. They add context to Hermeneutic Codes. They DON’T raise any questions, they are actions that lead to an event OR they are the result of an event.

  What have I learnt from these definitions? PRO codes make up 90% of most films, they add context and pretext to HER codes - which ask questions and drop clues to extra information within the film / franchise.

Also when I learnt about Bathes' Codes I learnt about 3 other - which I may do an extra video on:
Semantic Codes
Symbolic Codes
Referential Codes
   And that's time up for this week, sorry it's been a bit wordy, but after a while away the content has to resume; if you wanna know more be here next week.



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